Spider Zero is the mutation of the experimental Artificial Intelligence "Zero", created by Hitoshi Kobe's father, inadvertently cross-bred with a Spider virus by Yayoi Kobe who used the completed Reality Module of Forty Namba to bring Zero to life.
Character Design[]
Zero's character design would later influence the visual design of Negima! Magister Negi Magi's antagonist Fate Averruncus and the Averruncus golem series as well as an as-of-yet-named character in UQ Holder!.
- The core programming of Saati Namba, Toeni Namba and Forty Namba are all based off of Zero's core programming.
- Spider Zero gained physical form at around 1:00 am.
- When Zero and Saati's fight became televised across Japan, a child claimed that Zero was Sephiroth from the Final Fantasy videogame series.