A.I Love You Wiki

Santa's Camera is a digital camera belonging to Santa.

The camera was given to Santa as a gift from his parents so that he could take photos of his life to show them; as they took photos of their lives to show him.
However, Santa misinterpreted the gift, thinking that they were sending photos to him to show off their lives without him.


Characters SantaMaiSanta's GrandmotherSanta's ParentsMinako SaitouMaiMaiNoelSharry
Items and Terms AhogeChristmasHot SpringsPedroSanmaSanta's CameraThugsArcade VideogameAdult MaiCosplayHarisenSamboSambaSansetsukonKotatsuHinamatsuriTanabata FestivalBeach VolleyballWatermelon
Locations Tokyo
Tama CitySanta Claus AcademySanta's Apartment