A.I Love You Wiki

The Samba is a musical genre and dance style that originated in Brazil. Although there were various forms of samba in Brazil, in the form of various popular rhythms and regional dances that originated from the drumming, samba as a music genre is seen as a musical expression of urban Rio de Janeiro.

Characters SantaMaiSanta's GrandmotherSanta's ParentsMinako SaitouMaiMaiNoelSharry
Items and Terms AhogeChristmasHot SpringsPedroSanmaSanta's CameraThugsArcade VideogameAdult MaiCosplayHarisenSamboSambaSansetsukonKotatsuHinamatsuriTanabata FestivalBeach VolleyballWatermelon
Locations Tokyo
Tama CitySanta Claus AcademySanta's Apartment