A.I Love You Wiki

Pararakelse is a tropical island located in the South Pacific near the international date line next to the island of Molmol.

Estimated to be near the epicentre of what was once an empire centred on the worship of turtles, Pararakelse has become the focus of Noriyasu Seta's dream of discovering the ancient Turtle Civilization.

Other Appearances[]

Love Hina[]

Main Article: Pararakelse Island

The main cast of Love Hina visits Pararakelse Island after Keitaro Urashima becomes stranded on it.

Locations and Events
Locations and Landmarks Kobe ResidenceKobe OnsenLove HotelNarita International AirportWhale BankMenjō High SchoolMicrosoft StoreNamakoShibuyaShinjukuKujūkuri BeachCooking Teacher's HouseOdaiba Amusement ParkMountain LookoutKimika's Summer HomeSmiley Smile EnterprisesSmiley Smile SeminarGreston HotelNewcosmo ArcadeMy CityCafeBeer GardenAkihabaraIshihara ResidenceJinjou Elementary SchoolKurihiradai LibraryYamazaki Dieter's Spa ResortVideogame ExpoMcDougal ResidenceTama RiverMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyDegarashi Hot Springs
Cities and Countries CyberspaceJapanPararakelse Island
Events Event Timeline
Golden WeekChristmasSummer VacationChildren's DaySchool Festival