A.I Love You Wiki

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is a private research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States. It was founded in 1861 in response to the increasing industrialization of the United States and has become traditionally known for research and education in the physical sciences and engineering.

From its conception, the institute focused on laboratory instruction with emphasis on applied technology which led to close cooperation with country's growing technology industry. During World War II and the Cold War, researchers worked on computers, radar, and inertial guidance and as such, post-war defense research contributed to the rapid expansion of the university's faculty and campuses.
Today, the Institute comprises various academic departments with a strong emphasis on scientific, engineering, and technological education and research. It has five schools and one college, which contain a total of 32 departments.



  • MIT is one of the most selective higher learning institutions in America.
  • MIT has been made reference to by many works of cinema, television and the written word due to it being a well known breeding ground for technology and technologists.

Locations and Events
Locations and Landmarks Kobe ResidenceKobe OnsenLove HotelNarita International AirportWhale BankMenjō High SchoolMicrosoft StoreNamakoShibuyaShinjukuKujūkuri BeachCooking Teacher's HouseOdaiba Amusement ParkMountain LookoutKimika's Summer HomeSmiley Smile EnterprisesSmiley Smile SeminarGreston HotelNewcosmo ArcadeMy CityCafeBeer GardenAkihabaraIshihara ResidenceJinjou Elementary SchoolKurihiradai LibraryYamazaki Dieter's Spa ResortVideogame ExpoMcDougal ResidenceTama RiverMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyDegarashi Hot Springs
Cities and Countries CyberspaceJapanPararakelse Island
Events Event Timeline
Golden WeekChristmasSummer VacationChildren's DaySchool Festival